Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Moved and Merged!

This blog is being moved and merged into a new blog at http://brokencricket-cricket.blogspot.com. Please follow me there, and I will follow you in return!

Thanks! xo

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Tye Dye a Peace Sign.

Along with posting reviews, I will often be doing 'How To' posts here at Empty Veins. Today I'll be starting with How to Tye Dye a peace sign, by request from a friend of mine.

Tye-Dye is a fun way to express yourself! There is no exact same tye dye anywhere in the world, no matter how hard you try! If I have learned anything from it, I've learned that trial and error is a big thing here! Inspiration and creativity should be your ultimate guide. Ok, lets get started!

As with any Tye Dye, you need to start by washing a 100% cotton shirt. It's important to get any hidden chemicals out of the shirt! I recommend rinsing twice, with no fabric softeners or anything of the kind.

While waiting for your shirt(s) to wash/rinse. Get some cardboard and draw a peace sign on it. If you have trouble drawing, use a compass to mark the intersections of the legs of the triangle with the circle by making three arcs which pass through the center point to cross the circle. Use a ruler to connect the three points from the center of the circle to the outer edge. Cut out your peace sign and set it aside.

Prepare your dye. You can buy dye for tye dyeing or you can mix your own.

Mixing your own- Mix 1/2 c. liquid dye (or 1 package powdered dye) in 1 qt. hot water. Dissolve 5 tbsp. table salt in the mixture. Let cool to room temperature.

Now that your shirt(s) have been washed and dryed. You need to soak them in Soda Ash. Soak them for about 20 minutes.

Lay your shirt(s) out in your work area. Don't forget to lay out newspaper, this can be messy!

Place your cardboard peace sign on to your shirt wherever you want it. It doesn't have to be in the center- or it can be, be creative!

Now comes the fun part. Spraying on the dye! Spray on your colors, but use caution not to spray them on to heavy. You can separate areas with rubber bands or knots on sleeves or other areas around the peace sign. Or use strings or heavy duty thread to lay out your designs.

Turn shirt over, and do the same. You can be creative with the cardboard. Hearts, Letters, whatever your mind desires.

Once done with that, let the shirt sit for another 20 minutes or so.

Now, rinse with cold water until the water runs clear. Cut away any strings or thread, or undo your knots. Rinse again. Hang out in the sun to dry and wa-laa!

I hope this helps. There are many ways to do it, but this is the way I've tried it in the past. Readers please feel free to share any tye-dyeing tips or methods!

Peace! ;)

Jezabelle xo

Friday, August 7, 2009

Smooth Away.

From time to time here at Empty Veins, I'll be posting reviews. If there is anything you'd like me to review - a website, a product or anything else, just let me know!

I'd like to start with an item called Smooth Away. Come on, you've seen it on TV. Lady sitting nicely in her towel, calmly removing the hair on her legs without chemicals, wax or a razor! It's said to buff away hair painlessly while gently exfoliating your skin! This seemed like something I'd like. I'm very big on going the non chemical route, I use natural products whenever I can. So, I gave in and bought Smooth Away last night. (tip, if you close out the smooth away site, it will offer you a lower price!)

I got home, curled up into bed after a nice shower, opened product and started reading the directions. Use circular motions, 3 times one way, 3 times the other. Um, ok! I checked the little battery on the vibrating controller, got this thing ready and off I went! 3 times right... 3 times left... 3 times... wait a minute! I feel like the Karate kid! Wax on, Wax off - Wax on, Wax off! Oh wait, we said no wax.. right?!

Continuing, I am feeling a little silly,but I am starting to see some results. Leg is getting smooth - hey, it works! But it does take a little more effort than they show you. It seems a bit time consuming. But then, so is waxing, shaving and even using products such as Nair. I haven't tried it on any 'sensitive' areas yet. My underarms were already smooth, and I wasn't brave enough to go anywhere else with it!

The website says the product is:
- The Fastest Selling, Most Popular Women's Product In Europe
- Exfoliates As You Use It
- Works Wonders On Sensitive Areas
- Easy, Safe, & Painless Hair Removal

In the directions, it also points out that it is not just for women. They offer a 60 day money back guarantee at the site, so always worth a shot if you are curious. As for me, I am leaning towards liking the product. But I am little unsure if it's worth all the buff on, buff off effort. ;) All in all, I give the product a hairless salute.

Anyone else have any thoughts on it?

~~Edit: Thanks to a comment pointing out that I didn't mention the price, or if I thought it was worth the price, I'd like to add that in!

If you order from the site it's 14.99 plus shipping and handling for the kit, and a extra kit free... but wait, as I mentioned earlier - close the site out and they offer you a discount at 9.99 plus shipping and handling. I myself got it at Walmart for 10.00. Was it worth the 10.00? For me, I'll say yes, although a bit time consuming, I was still happy with the purchase.

Signing out a soft and smooth Jezabelle... 'till next time! xo

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Love is a crazy thing, isn't it? It's all around us. Those that are falling in love... falling out of love... doing everything they can to keep love. It makes us strive to be better people. We all reach for it everyday. Whether it's with our significant other, a parent, a child, a sibling, a friend. It's everywhere. But how many of us embrace that love? Thank the stars for that love? It's easy to take advantage of... or to forget how great it really makes us feel inside.

For me, I've been married for over a decade - going on a decade and a half... holy batman! And I know there has been times when I have taken advantage of that love. Or pushed that love away because I didn't feel worthy of it. I didn't love myself... so how could someone else really love me? But over the years, I learned to embrace it. You know it's true love when you are sitting in the bathtub, covered in chicken pox - and your partner thinks you look adorable!

What got me to pondering such a corny subject, some might ask? My mother, actually. She has fought her way through life trying to find out who she really is inside. Coming from a very sheltered and protective childhood... going into a marriage that at one point was abusive,mentally and physically. To another marriage where she fought to help the man she felt for to fight his addiction to drugs and alcohol. Till one day she realized that deep inside she wanted to be with other women. She went through one relationship... and then decided she needed to be on her own and get a fresh start. Which landed her living here with us for awhile. Well, recently she has met someone who has made her - well, wow, how I have never seen her. Like a giddy school girl. Giggling about the first kiss, and excitement of the new relationship. She is really glowing. And it made me smile inside.

It made me think of my own marriage. The good times, and the bad times. How my husband (we'll call him wolf from now on) and I have fought to keep our love alive. How we work every day to make it work for both of us, without losing ourselves. Just recently in fact, we went through a bit of a hard time... and after much talking, it was suddenly like falling in love all over again. He had gone away for business and I found myself getting sweet text messages from him. I also found myself being so excited for his return. Buying new lingerie and making his favorite dinner! I guess I myself get like that giddy school girl also,hm?

But anyway - a point Jezabelle- get to a point! Ok, a point to the ramblings:

Embrace love. Your friends, your siblings, your partners, your parents - everyone. Embrace it, tell them you love them, work to keep that fire alive... because life is short and none of us know what tomorrow will bring.

'till my next post - all my love!

Writers Block.

I've been struggling with writers block, so I apologize for my absence! Not a very good start to a new blog,hm?

I think part of the problem is not knowing what type of approach I want to take with this blog. My opinions? Details of my mundane concerns of day-to-day life? Reviews? Advice?

Probably all of the above.

All I do know is that I want to take an honest approach. Real, Uncensored... Me.

I've hit a new stage of my life. I'm ready to expand, explore and meet new people. I'm tired of hiding my inner desires and thoughts out of fear of what someone else will say.

I'm no longer touching the water with my toes - I'm diving in! Care to join me...?

Friday, July 17, 2009


Welcome to Empty Veins, by eatyoualive.

The intentions of this blog is to put my opinions, thoughts, desires, wants and ideas out to the world of the internet and perhaps meet some great people along the way.

This blog will always be uncensored, uninhibited and honest.

Feel free to follow me, and I will do the same to you. Comments are great, they give insight to whatever topic it may be, and I will always respond.

xo - Jezabelle